Digital kiosk

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A digital kiosk; the possibilities are endless

In the waiting room of the doctor or dentist. At the hospital, for a blood test, you enter a crowded waiting room and see on the screen that there is a waiting time of about 45 minutes. At the airport you are supposed to be present about 3 hours in advance and on top of that you find out that your plane is delayed. Waiting, waiting, waiting ... A large part of the time we spend waiting. It is nice to have some entertainment in the meantime. Adults can still find the patience to wait, but with children it becomes more difficult. A touchscreen table can offer a solution.

What is a digital kiosk or touchscreen table anyway?
A digital kiosk or touchscreen table is a table with a built-in interactive screen. Basically a tablet or smartphone, but in a big way. There are flat interactive tables where you can sit, but there are also standing tables, on a pillar, which can serve as wayfinding or for passing an order. There are numerous applications for which you can use a touchscreen table and we will mention a few of them.

Touchscreen table especially for children
In the waiting room of the doctor, dentist or a hospital. At the supermarket. At the health clinic. In the kids area of a restaurant. These are places where it can sometimes be useful to keep the children entertained. And that can be done with a touch table especially for children. Children can play games on it, such as memory, but they can also color in pictures. There are countless games and tasks you can do on this table.

Speaking of that waiting room; waiting can also be very long for adults. Why not entertain adults with the touch table and make a virtue of necessity? Set up a survey about your company and let the person waiting in the waiting room fill it out via the touch table. In this way, you get instant insight into how your business or practice is performing.

Of course, the touch table can be used like questionnaires and customer surveys in many other ways and not just in a waiting room.

In a museum

Touchscreen tafel museum

A touch table makes a visit to a museum more interactive and therefore more interesting. Using the touch table, collections can be shown, quizzes can be played or films can be shown. If people, and this certainly applies to children, can do something in a museum, it stays with them longer and they learn more. But touch tables are not only a must-have in museums, they can also be used in zoos, for example. There are also information columns that can be placed outside.

Order column
You see them a lot in fast-food restaurants: the order column. You click on the screen what you want to eat, you pay and a few minutes later you can pick up your order at the counter. This way you can check what you want to eat at your leisure, you can indicate your choices for certain sauces or drinks and you don't have to wait long for your turn.

Finding the right outpatient clinic in a hospital can be a hassle. In a large hotel it can be difficult to find the right room. Where are the polar bears at the zoo? Or searching for the right gate at the immense Schiphol Airport. Visitors, employees and customers can easily be assisted in finding the right destination by means of a touch table. In addition, it may even be possible to link the digital signage to the smartphone of the customers or visitors. This can then be sent from the screen.

5 applications for using a touchscreen table. However, the possibilities are endless! This list can be completed with 50 more applications in a moment. Is your company, practice, museum or institution already using a touch table? And if so, how is the table used?

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